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Clarity Independent School
"Refreshed learning that changes lives."
Our Therapy Offer - What do we do at Clarity, over and above other schools?
At Clarity, the pupils are keen and excited to adopt the opportunities provided for them, as part of our whole school offer. Children and parents appreciate the wide range of rich experiences on offer and the impact of these can be seen in the excellent progress they make against performance indicators, such as assessment data / reviews, and targets on their One Plan and EHCP.
​Speech and language therapy half termly with a qualified Speech and Language Therapist; Amber Vincent. Key vocabulary is targeted in quality first teaching and conversation. Prescribed therapy is rehearsed several times weekly with our keyworkers and teaching staff in timetabled intervention sessions.
Wellbeing counselling / coaching with Sue O'Sullivan, SOS Holistics.​ Children can have one to one time with Sue every week, and this valuable time is protected for them, for as long as they need it until they leave the school in year 11. Sometimes things in our lives can be tricky, and Sue helps children to process these and feel better. With time, counselling sessions are able to migrate into individual mentoring and coaching to provide an extensive, individualised personal development programme.
Occupational Therapy half termly reviews with Jenna Seibolt, of the Great Little OT Practice. These targeted exercises are practised with keyworkers and teaching staff throughout the day, to bring therapeutic care and regulation strategies seamlessly into every child's school experience. In addition, specific programmes of exercises are practised several times weekly in timetabled intervention sessions based on the children's needs.
Individual guitar lessons are very popular and delivered weekly by Kevin Pearce, from Essex Music Services. Opportunities to learn piano and drums, are also included in our offer to every pupil, to develop their talents and interests.
Louis Dunn, from Chelmsford City Football Coaching, delivers Football Club to develop pupils' talents and interests.
Louise Brazier from Directions, meets with the children regularly in one to one and groups sessions, to develop their careers knowledge and aspirations.
Swimming lessons are taught at County High School for Girls, by Andy Gross from Asgard Swim School.
Bush School is run by Essex Outdoors and takes place at Danbury Country Park. The children enjoy Bush School fortnightly, and experience fun activities, such as Rock Climbing, High Ropes, Archery, Zip Wire and other activities fortnightly in between. These are excellent at developing their personal character, teamwork and resilience.
Dyslexia Tuition is delivered by our very own Mrs Hanson, our on-site Dyslexia Specialist teacher and Headteacher, through targeted intervention sessions.
We also believe that giving the children plenty of opportunity for frequent, fun, educational trips is an essential part of their social emotional development, and as such are included as part of our all-inclusive offer.
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