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At Clarity, we take mental health and wellbeing very seriously, realising and supporting the children through the impact the pandemic has had on their, and their families' lives. We also support them through other life-challenges they face and help them navigate their SEND. 


Our Designated safeguarding lead is Mrs Ailara (, and Mrs Hanson and Mr Clow support her as the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.

Weekly Wellbeing Coaching is provided for all children at Clarity, with individual counselling sessions on an ongoing basis throughout their time here. Sue O'Sullivan, SOS Holistics delivers a comprehensive provision of wellbeing therapies, including art therapy, play therapy and talking therapy. 

For pupils: “If you are experiencing difficulties right now, or need help, why not speak to your keyworker or one of your teachers or support staff in school? You can also speak to Mrs Ailara or Mrs Hanson to get help in school, or there are other agencies that you can speak to if you prefer someone you do not know. Examples are the Samaritans, the NSPCC, Mind or the NHS urgent help line.” 
If you are worried about something happening online, see this Keeping Safe on the Internet leaflet.
For parents - for non-urgent additional emotional wellbeing advice and strategies to share with your child, please visit:
Anna Freud - On My Mind

Alternatively, if you are concerned about the welfare of one of our pupils, please get in contact with us. If this is not possible, please contact the Essex Safeguarding Children's Board. They are on 0345 603 7627 during working hours or 0345 606 1212 after hours.
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